Configuring Ganglia services


This page describes how Alexis Huxley installed and configured Ganglia.


  1. Set some environment variables used by this procedure:
    DNSCLIENT_DOMAIN=<name-of-dns-domain>     # e.g.
  2. Run:
    apt-get install ganglia-webfrontend
    perl -pi -e "s/^data_source.*/data_source \"$DNSCLIENT_DOMAIN\" $GANGLIACLIENT_SERVER/" \
    perl -0777 -pi -e 's/^udp_recv_channel.*?}/udp_recv_channel {\n  port = 8649\n}/ms' \
    #  The postinstall script for ganglia-webfrontend can do the next two lines,
    #  but by default, and when run non-interactively the defaults are used, it does not.
    [ ! -h /etc/apache2/conf.d/ganglia-webfrontend ] || \
        rm -f /etc/apache2/conf.d/ganglia-webfrontend
    ln -s /etc/ganglia-webfrontend/apache.conf /etc/apache2/conf.d/ganglia-webfrontend
    service apache2 restart
    service gmetad restart
    service ganglia-monitor restart
  3. If proxied access from a main webserver is required, then see Configuring web services.

See also