
This page describes the installation of cercis, which is Judith home PC, which is a PM with one 4-core AMD CPU and 8GB RAM.


This procedure will be used to upgrade cercis from Debian 10 to Debian 11.

  1. Backups:
    1. Run rdw2.
    2. Run backups to USB disk of:
      1. user homes
      2. root’s home
      3. /etc
      4. crontabs
      5. pub (the slowest one is deliberately put last so that the next steps can be done in parallel)
  2. The following passwords will be needed and should be collected:
    1. Judith’s Dropbox password
    2. Alexis’s SVN password
    3. Alexis’s WordPress password
  3. Complete Installing Debian 11 on a PM or KVM VM.
  4. Host-specific OS-level configuration:
    1. Set the correct root password.
    2. Configure dynamic DNS as follows:
      1. install inadsyn
      2. restore/etc/rc.local.d/inadyn.
    3. Configure MiniDLNA as follows:
      1. Wait for the restoring of the ‘pub’ archive to complete.
      2. Restore /etc/minidlna.conf.
      3. Run:
        service minidlna restart
    4. Configure the printer and scanner as follows:
      1. Install hplip.
      2. Turn the printer on and wait for it to initialise.
      3. As root run:
        hp-setup -i

        and follow the prompts.

    5. Do the cercis-side part of configuring get_iplayer.
  5. Restores:
    1. Selectively restore the things backed up earlier, including homes but move dot files to subdirectory and only selectively move back.
    2. Ensure alexis can ssh over to farfalle.
    3. Run rdw2 in test mode only.
  6. Complete Configuring the desktop environment for all users.
  7.  Complete Finalising a Linux installation.
  8. Edit /etc/pcms/pcms.conf and set:

      See also