
This page describes the installation of damson, which is my work desktop and backup server.


  1. Back up the following things:
    1. alexis’s home
    2. crontabs
    3. rdw2 database
    4. /etc/rdw2/
    5. root’s ssh keypair
    6. anything important/painful from /scratch (e.g. Firefox profiles; fake GPS directory)
  2. Remove all USB disks
  3. Complete Installing Debian 11 on a PM or KVM VM.
  4. Selectively restore the things backed up earlier.
  5. Tailor the login environment as per configuring desktop environment.
  6. Reattach USB disks.
  7. Restore RDW’s cronjob file and SQLite database and run:
    SETS=( laptops multimedia oss user-data )
    for SET in "${SETS[@]}"; do
        rdw2 --check-set $SET
  8. Add a NAT-and-bridged network to virt-manager/libvirt/kvm.
  9. Complete Finalising a Linux installation.

See also