pici and ziti


This page notes the commands to make various incarnations of pici and ziti.

pici (06.04.2023)

  1. Make note of the following volume and VM creation commands:
    zfs create -V 21g zpool0/pici
    create-perfect-kvm-vm -v --name=pici --release=bookworm --mem=1G --cpus=1 \
        --disk=block:/dev/zpool0/pici --nic=bridge:br0
  2. Complete Installing Debian 12 on a PM or KVM VM using the “standard” partitioning scheme.

ziti (05.04.2023)

  1. Make note of the following volume and container creation commands:
    zfs create -o mountpoint=/var/lib/libvirt/mountpoints/ziti/root -o quota=5g zpool0/ziti
    create-basic-lxc-cnt -v --name=ziti --method=my-templates \
                         --release=bookworm --offset=1300000 --mem=1G \
                         --cpus=1 --disk=dir:/var/lib/libvirt/mountpoints/ziti/root \
  2. Complete Installing Debian 12 on an LXC container.

See also