

This page describes the installation of vesuvio, which is my WordPress server.


  1. Make note of the following volume creation commands:
    create-perfect-drbd-vol -v --remote=torchio --name=vesuvio --size=5G \
        --name1=fiori --ip1= --name2=torchio --ip2=
    create-perfect-drbd-vol -v --remote=torchio --name=vesuvio_www --size=5G \
        --name1=fiori --ip1= --name2=torchio --ip2=

    and the following container recreation commands:

    create-basic-lxc-cnt --remote=torchio --name=vesuvio \
        --offset=1200000 \
        --mem=2G \
        --disk=block:/dev/drbd_vesuvio \
        --disk=block:/dev/drbd_vesuvio_www \
  2. Complete Installing Debian 11 on an LXC container with the default hardware.
  3. Relocate the filesystem for web content that got mounted on /srv/www to /var/www according the following sub-procedure:
    1. shut down the container
    2. run virsh edit vesuvio and change /srv/www to /var/www
    3. start the container
    4. inside the container run rmdir /srv/www
  4. Complete Configuring WordPress services revision 4.2 (when I migrated WordPress from vermicelli to vesuvio, I only did the migration section).
  5. To simplify the inclusion of man pages in WordPress pages (e.g. bs.1) do the following:
    1. Install my own packages listed here. Currently this means running:
      apt-get -y install ade bs fad js paa rocon wra
    2. As root run:
      mkdir -p ~/opt
      svn co ~/opt/wordpress
    3. As root run:
      ~/opt/wordpress/bin/convert-my-man-pages-to-html -v

      and investigate any errors. Note that that command will generate man pages for a few packages that are not public key

    4. Set up a cronjob:
      10 2 * * * ~/opt/wordpress/bin/convert-my-man-pages-to-html -v 2>&1 | mailx -E -s "convert-my-man-pages-to-html-checker (info)" root

      After a period of testing, the -v can be removed and ‘info’ changed to ‘warnings’.

  6. Related to the “Reverse proxy pagination issue” described here, do the following:
    1. As root, and if not already run above, run:
      mkdir -p ~/opt
      svn co ~/opt/wordpress
    2. As root run:
      ~/opt/wordpress/bin/convert-my-man-pages-to-html -v

      and investigate any errors.

    3. Set up a cronjob:
      05 08-16 * * * ~/opt/wordpress/bin/pagination-bug-checker -v /var/www/*/wp-admin/includes/class-wp-list-table.php 2>&1 | mailx -E -s "pagination-bug-checker (info)" root

      After a period of testing, the -v can be removed and ‘info’ changed to ‘warnings’.

  7. Complete Finalising a Linux installation.

See also