

This page describes the installation of gnocchi, which is my Nextcloud server.


  1. Make note of the following volume creation commands:
    create-perfect-drbd-vol -v --remote=torchio --name=gnocchi --size=10G \
        --name1=fiori --ip1= --name2=torchio --ip2=
    create-perfect-drbd-vol -v --remote=torchio --name=gnocchi_nextcloud --size=50G \
        --name1=fiori --ip1= --name2=torchio --ip2=

    and the following container recreation commands:

    create-basic-lxc-cnt --remote=torchio --name=gnocchi \
        --offset=400000 \
        --mem=2 \
        --disk=block:/dev/drbd_gnocchi \
        --disk=block:/dev/drbd_gnocchi_nextcloud \
  2. Complete Installing Debian 11 on an LXC container using the volume and container creation commands above when required.
  3. Complete Configuring Nextcloud generation two point two.
  4. Complete Finalising a Linux installation.

See also














  1. Complete Installing Debian 11 on an LXC container with the default hardware.
  2. Add a second disk by running (on fiori):
    create-perfect-drbd-vol -v --remote=torchio --name=gnocchi_data --size=50G \
         --name1=fiori --ip1= --name2=torchio --ip2=
    mkfs -t ext4 /dev/drbd_gnocchi_data
    mount /dev/drbd_gnocchi_data /mnt
    shift-uid-gid /mnt 400000 400000
    umount /mnt
    virsh edit gnocchi

    and add the following two stanzas:

      <app1:mounter xmlns:app1="">
          <mount type="block" device="/dev/drbd_gnocchi_data" mntpnt="/var/lib/libvirt/mountpoints/gnocchi/data"/>
      <filesystem type='mount' accessmode='mapped'>
        <source dir='/var/lib/libvirt/mountpoints/gnocchi/data'/>
        <target dir='/var/www/html/data'/>
  3. Complete Configuring Nextcloud servers generation ????.
  4. Complete Finalising a Linux installation.

See also