

The Berlin-Copenhagen Cycle Route (German: Radfernweg Berlin-Kopenhagen) is a cycle route that connects the German capital Berlin with the Danish capital Copenhagen. Bikeline‘s estimate of the distance is 650Km.

Our plan was to cycle the distance in 9.5 days (average 68Km/day) and to rest for 2 days in Stege and Ishøj (easy cycling distance to Copenhagen) and then to take a train from Copenhagen to Viborg to cycle the Ochsenweg.

The Good, the bad and the ugly

  • good: big ferries (Suzie)
  • good: good food incl. danish pastries (Suzie)
  • good: pretty towns: Mons Klint and Stege (Suzie)
  • bad: in late August/early September most camp restaurants are already closed for the season (Suzie)




  1. GPX data for the campsite waypoints: berlincopenhagen-waypoints-camps.gpx
  2. GPX data for the parts of the route that not in the guide book(s): berlincopenhagen-route-deviations.gpx
  3. GPX data for our track (what we actually cycled): berlincopenhagen-track-20100813TO20100824.gpx
  4. XLS file of the itinerary: berlincopenhagen-itinerary.xls

Suggested purchases

  1. Bikeline Radfernweg Berlin-Kopenhagen

See also